Rasraj Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine as described in Bhaishajya Ratnavali, which contains herbal and mineral ingredients, in tablet form. It is used in treating neuro-muscular conditions. It is also known as Rasaraj Ras.
Rasaraj Rasa is the prime authority like King, in all types of Vatavikar (Vata vayadhi). Effective especially in disorders of vertebral column & Jeerna – Dhatukshyajanya Vatavyadhi. It reduces nervine irritation & inflammation, helps in strengthening them.
Rasraj Ras Benefits:
It is given in the treatment of neuromuscular conditions such as paralysis, hemiplegia, locked jaw, facial palsy, hearing defects, dizziness, and such other diseases caused due to Vata imbalance.
It helps to strengthen nerves and muscles.
Doctors also prescribe this for the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.
Effect on Tridosha – It Balances Vata dosha
Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Vatavyadhi Chikitsa 26/205-208
- Rasasindoor 16 parts,
- Abhraka Bhasma 4 parts,
- Suvarna Bhasma 2 parts
- Loha Bhasma 1 part,
- Roupya Bhasma 1 part,
- Vanga Bhasma 1 part,
- Ashwagandha 1 part,
- Lavang 1 part,
- Jayapatri 1 part,
- Ksheerkakoli 1 part,
- Ashwagandha – Pratinidhi Dravya)
- Bhavana – Kumari Swarasa,
- Kakmachi Swarasa
Pakshaghat, Ardita, Hanustambha, Apatantrak, Badhirya, Bhrama, Grudhrasi, Dourbalya
1-2 Tabs, 1-2 times a day with milk, Sharkarodak, Chyavanprash or as directed by the Ayurvedic doctor.
10 Tab., 30 Tab.
Note: This medicine contains heavy metal ingredients, hence should only be taken under strict medical supervision. This medicine is most commonly used in north Indian Ayurvedic practice.
I found the best price for Ras Raj Ras at Attart Ayurveda.