Tag Archives: balanced diet

Balanced diet – A natural way to stay healthy

Balanced diet - A natural way to stay healthy

A balanced diet is one that gives your body excessive nutrition which it needs to function properly. In order to get truly balanced nutrition, you should obtain majority of your daily calories from fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Here is a balanced diet chart which you can follow –

  • First when you get out of bed in morning drink 1-2 glasses of water .This increases your metabolism cycle.
  • 7-7:30 A.M  Tea with or without sugar with high fiber biscuits.
  • 9 A.M Breakfast should be heavy which can consist wheat porridge (Dalia), Oats or Chapatti. You can also take sprouts and a glass of skimmed milk.
  • 11:30 A.M  Eat seasonal fruits
  • 1-1:30 P.M –  Take Lunch which should contain vegetable or pulses, 3 chapatti, curd and salad.
  • 4 P.M – 1 cup green tea or lemon tea and biscuits
  • 5:30 P.M – One fruit, Coconut water, Lemon water or juice.
  • 7:30 – 8:00 P.M – Take dinner which should consist pulses or green vegetables, 2 chapatti and salad.
  • 9:30 P.M – Drink one glass of milk

Following above diet chat will help you in staying healthy.

Source – http://epaper.patrika.com/c/7923112